Request for legal protection of “Classical Electrodynamics”, a truly sacred book.

This is hilarious and is satire at its very best.  It first came out today and has been rapidly spreading through the Skeptical Echo Chamber  … PZ blogged it here …  Richard Dawkins has also Blogged it here (I think RD might be patient zero for this) … I also suspect many others will soon … Read more

The US is not as religious as you think it is

There is a distinct impression that folks in the US are very religious, more so than those within other industrialized nations.This is often confirmed by opinion polls. Shankar Vedantam has some numbers for you in a Slate article … Two in five Americans say they regularly attend religious services. Upward of 90 percent of all … Read more

How “not” to secretly film a polar bear

When up the Arctic attempting to make a documentary about Polar Bears, how the heck do you get all those up-close and personal shots? Easy, you disguise the camera as part of the background so that it then blends seamlessly in. Good plan, yes? Unfortunately, this plan potentially has a wee flaw. The polar bear … Read more