Crazy for God Author has a few words regarding the theo-cons

Frank Schaeffer, son of the famous evangelical, appears here being interviewed by Rachel Maddow about the poll that discovered that 1 in 3 of NJ Conservatives truly believe that Obama is the Anti-Christ. We apparently have a sub-culture of belief that rejects facts and embraces beyond-crazy. To be quite frank, this is a complete social … Read more

Why does Coffee Protect Against Diabetes?

About six months ago new evidence came to light that drinking coffee may help prevent diabetes (you can read about that here). Past studies had suggested that regular coffee drinking may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, it was not new then, so to verify they fed either water or coffee to a group … Read more

The 13th Astrological Sign!!

Apparently the Minnesota Planetarium Society has announced that a thirteenth sign, Ophiuchus, should be added to the zodiac charts. Now, least you wonder, this is not science, instead its a belief which teaches that the relative positions of celestial bodies and related details can provide information about personality, human affairs and other “earthly” matters. You … Read more

How long can we live?

According to the UK government “Nearly one in five people living in the UK today will survive to see their 100th birthday” (or to be more specific, The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) said its figures suggested 10 million people – 17% of the population – would become centenarians)… hummm, now those are not … Read more

Facilitated Communication & Some Justice at last

Lets start by giving you a bit of background. What is Facilitated Communication? FC is a claimed mechanism where a facilitator supports the hand or arm of a communicatively impaired individual while using a keyboard or other devices with the aim of helping the individual to develop pointing skills and to communicate. Does it really … Read more