Psychopathy linked to physical brain abnormalities

Researchers at King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry (IoP) have published a study that confirms that psychopathy is a distinct neuro-developmental sub-group of anti-social personality disorder (ASPD). Here is a quick summary … Objective  To identify structural gray matter (GM) differences between persistent violent offenders who meet criteria for antisocial personality disorder and the syndrome of psychopathy (ASPD+P) … Read more

quantum reality?

Whenever you see the word “quantum”, if the topic under discussion is not physics, you can ignore it. Well in this case the topic is indeed Physics. There is a controversial paper in Nature Physics, where some theorists claim that they can prove that wavefunctions — the entity that determines the probability of different outcomes of … Read more

If you knew Child Abuse was taking place, could you honestly do nothing at all?

I blogged yesterday about the evidence presented by a BBC documentary that Cardinal Seán Brady, when tasked with investigating some child abuse, was given a list of other children being abused and did nothing about it. I did not expect to return to the topic so soon, and yet here I am again … why? Well, … Read more

Cardinal Seán Brady: had names and addresses of those being abused and did nothing

I watched the BBC’s “This World show” last night regarding the complete moral failure of Cardinal Seán Brady. I knew this was coming, but thought that I would watch the program first before I commented on it so that I could that share my reaction to the details and not simply comment on reports of … Read more