Parents of Shafilea Ahmed jailed for her Honour Killing

In 2003 17-year-old Shafilea Ahmed (pictured here) went missing from her home in Warrington, then six months later her body was found in the River Kent in Cumbria. Today her parents, Iftikhar, 52, and Farzana Ahmed, 49, have been declared guilty by the jury at Chester Crown Court. Mr Justice Roderick Evans said they would both serve a minimum of … Read more

Somali comedian who mocked Islamists is shot dead

  Abdi Jeylani Marshale (pictured here) was a very popular comedian in Solamia who has been tragically murdered by some religious thugs. He was well-known for his parodies of Islamist militants, so you require no psychic powers whatsoever to guess who did this or what their motivation was. Officially nobody knows who did this, but … Read more

Mississippi church bans African American wedding

This one truly falls into the WTF category. The rather nice looking couple (Charles and Te’Andrea Wilson pictured here) wished to get married, so they put all the arrangement in place to do so at the First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs in Mississippi. Well unfortunately things did not pan out. As reported in the Guardian … The … Read more