World famous musician Fazil Say put on trial in Turkey for “Insulting Religion” with a couple of tweets

Fazil Say, who has played with the New York Philharmonic, the Berlin Symphony Orchestra and others, was put on trial in Turkey … his crime? he does not believe superstitious nonsense. So what exactly happened? The Guardian reports … for sending tweets that included one in April that joked about a call to prayer that … Read more

Petrol from Air

Stories are circulating about a UK company that has worked out a way to manufacture petrol from air. The BBC reports … Its sounds exciting, they are converting carbon dioxide into fuel, so what is the problem here. Well, it took them several months to get a couple of litres, but that is not the real issue, because what they … Read more

Banned from Scouts for being Honest

It is all over the news today, George Pratt (pictured) is an 11-year old who wanted to join the scouts but has been refused membership … the Telegraph explains … An 11-year-old boy has been banned from joining the Scouts because he doesn’t believe in God, despite his Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist peers being offered an … Read more

The Crazy is strong in this one … “Death Penalty For Rebellious Children”

Humans are indeed prone to believing some weird and wonderfully excentric stuff, but every now and then you come across somebody who is pushing the boat out into uncharted territory, and here is a truly jaw-dropping incarnation of that. The Republican candidate for the Arkansas House of Representatives,  Charlie Fuqua, wrote a book in which … Read more

Polling all Psychics … come and talk to the dead.

Michael Marshal, vice president of the Merseyside Skeptics Society, has announced in the Guardian that there is a wonderful opportunity for you to pop along and demonstrate you can talk to the dead … assuming of course that you actually have such a power. This invitation is open to all frauds psychics including the top-tier ones such as Sally … Read more