Abortion Debate – Texas Freethought Convention – Matt Dillahunty vs. Kristine Kruszelnicki

Now here is an interesting debate that recently took place. First some brief facts … It’s a debate between two atheists: Matt Dillahunty and Kristine Kruszelnicki and was Titled “Secularists Should Not Support the Right To Abortion”. It starts off with an Introduction by Paul Cooper. He is the President Texas Freethought Convention (that is … Read more

Increasing the flow of information – the rise of new forms of education on a new scale

The printing press dramatically transformed our world, and so now the Internet is doing the same right across many industries. Information that was once locked away is starting to flow out to all of us. Today’s example of this is an educational one. MIT-Harvard was once the exclusive preserve of those rich enough to gain entry, … Read more

And this year’s Stonewall’s ‘bigot’ award goes to ….Cardinal Keith O’Brien

Least you wonder “Who?”, Stonewall is a UK charity that campaigns for lesbian, gay and bisexual rights, and they have named the Scottish cardinal (pictured here) “bigot of the year” for his vigorous attacks on gay marriage. The Guardian reports … Stonewall said its 10,000 members had voted “decisively” to give the title to O’Brien, head of … Read more