The Numbers game – Claim – “Islam is the fastest growing” … er, except it’s not.

There exists an on-line group that was established by some Muslims to “debunk” Atheism, and so given my stance I was added (without being asked). How are they doing so far? Not very well, but then how exactly do you de-bunk non-belief? the only way possible is to offer objective empirical evidence that some variation of belief … Read more

Lying for Allah – Islamic Fraud

As part of a claim regarding the authorship of the Quran by a supernatural entity, I was presented with “proof”. This consisted of a series of clips by some western scientists that supposedly examined the quran and declared it to be divine, here are a couple of examples … Prof. William W. Hey“I would think … Read more

More book bashing by daft believers.

Within “This Week”, a weekly UK based News magazine, there is a book review by Damon Linker entitled “Where are the honest atheists?” where he suggests we don’t need yet another “atheist” book because we already have four others. What on earth is he babbling about? Well, A.C Grayling, the UK Philosopher, has a new … Read more

Mormons: Don’t buy into the myth that raising kids in the church will benefit them … it won’t

Generally Mormons are decent, honest, respectful, and don’t have a culture that involves either alcohol or drugs, and so because of this some might argue that even if the actual beliefs are not true, being part of the culture can be beneficial. “Raise your kids Mormon, because they nurture things such as public speaking, athletics, … Read more