The Unbelievers …

Monday was the world premiere for “The Unbelievers“, a documentary that follows evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss as they travel the world promoting the importance of science and reason in the modern world.

Here is the trailer …

OK, its out, so how did it go, was it well received or did it put the audience to sleep? Well here is what happened …

Screenshot from 2013-04-30 18:52:38

Both Richard and Lawrence have now also appeared on Global News’ “The Morning Show” (the Movie premier was in Toronto and so is that show) to talk about the movie. I think its a great interview, it runs for about 12 mins and goes deeper than most shows might be tempted to …

If you are in the area and want to see the movie at the Hot Docs film festival, sorry but all the screenings have already been sold out, but hey, it will not end there, there will be other opportunities.

Oh and here is another interview done by CNN … not such a great one, it is an example of what happens when a reporter has a bit of a religious axe to grind.

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