Boston Bombers: Debunking the Top 5 Conspiracy Theories

It is almost inevitable that when something big happens, an assortment of conspiracy theories will rapidly arise as a means to cope and to also explain. So what “theories” has the Boston Bombing given birth to? We can obviously dismiss wild assertions that come with exactly zero evidence, but what about those that do have … Read more

UK conman found Guilty of selling fake bomb detectors to Iraq for $40 million

The BBC reports that James McCormick has been found guilty of selling fake bomb detectors to Iraq … yep, you read that correctly … FAKE. This complete shit (I cannot think of a better word) conned people into buying over 6,000 of these bomb detectors that detected nothing at all. Iraq spent more than $40m … Read more

Andrew Brown gets it wrong … again, as usual

Andrew Brown, a journalist, writer, and editor of the belief section of the Guardian‘s Comment is Free, has had what can best be described as a bit of a rant in his Monday column. He devotes his entire scribbling output to a moan about Richard Dawkins pointing out the lunacy of some beliefs … On Sunday afternoon he was at … Read more