Poll: Would an Atheist candidate be elected today?

atheist vote

A recurring polling question is to ask people about the type of candidate that they would vote for. For example, a 2016 Gallup poll discovered that the following types of candidates would be fine with the vast majority… Catholic Candidate? – 93% would vote yes A women Candidate? – 92% would vote yes Black Candidate? … Read more

Arctic Report Card: It’s worse than you think


Starting in 2006 an annual Arctic report card has been published by NOAA. The 2018 Report card is now available, and it is not exactly good news. The more appropriate word is perhaps “dire”. The 2018 Report Card Here is a brief summary of it all … Highlights Surface air temperatures in the Arctic continued to … Read more

Disruption at Climate Conference in Poland


Almost every nation on the planet has delegates at the Climate Change conference that is currently taking place in Katowice, Poland. They are all there in an attempt to tackle the biggest crises that our species has ever faced – climate change. One group, acting out of utter ignorance and stupidity, has turned up with a … Read more

Weird Religious News – “Down is up, up is down”

Permit me to welcome you to a distinctly different universe, one inhabited by right-wing religious zealots who spout an endless stream of utterly weird and truly bizarre claims that are not factual. It is continuous and apparently never-ending. One thing is highly predictable – if they assert something, then there is a high probability that … Read more

Melting of Greenland ice is ‘off the charts,’ study shows


A new study that has just been published in Nature reveals that something dramatic is happening in Greenland. The title of the study is “Nonlinear rise in Greenland runoff in response to post-industrial Arctic warming“. When you are talking about a measurement of meltwater from a body of ice that by itself contains enough water … Read more