Is it possible to vaccinate against Fake News?

fake news

Before we dip into the context of Fake News, let’s first cover the basics. The vaccine concept is generally known but let’s repeat it anyway for completeness. A vaccine involves being exposed to a variation of a pathogen that will not actually harm you. That then stimulates your immune system into developing resistance to a harmful … Read more

Did Trump ruin the Evangelical brand?


The Too Long, Didn’t Read (TL;DR;) answer to that question is no. An article within The Washington Post by Sarah Bailey discusses a meeting being held by high-profile evangelicals to discuss their future… About 50 top leaders of major evangelical institutions will attend an invitation-only gathering next week to discuss the future and the “soul” of evangelicalism … Read more

The degree of cluelessness amongst US Conservatives


Thanks to Gallop we need not guess about the quantity of ignorance and anti-science that prevails within the US Conservative tribe, because they have provided a very precise measurement. What the latest Gallop poll reveals is that during the past year not much has changed. Global Warming Concern Steady Despite Some Partisan Shifts Partisan Divisions … Read more

Weird beliefs: The Storm – Trumps war with the deep state

The Storm

Remember that bizarre Roseanne Barr tweet that popped up not too long ago. It has been deleted because of all the flack it generated, so as a brief reminder, here is what she claimed … President Trump has freed so many children held in bondage to pimps all over this world. Hundreds each month. He has … Read more

How Fossil Fuel Money Made Climate Change Denial the Word of God


If you read what I post, (hat tip to all three of you), then you are perhaps aware that there are two topics that tend to dominate my daily scribbling, namely religious belief, and climate change. What is perhaps fascinating to me is the combination of both of these topics and so the denial of … Read more

New Study suggests Fake News won Trump the election

fake news

A paper published by researchers at Ohio University explains that the flow of fake news might have been sufficient to enable Trump to win the 2016 election. Warning: The paper is just a research paper and is not peer-reviewed. It is interesting, but due to the lack of peer-review, I’d recommend digesting with a pinch … Read more