Goldsmiths Feminist Society stands in solidarity with Goldsmiths Islamic Society

Much to my complete and utter astonishment, two diametrically opposed ideologies have climbed into bed together at Goldsmiths university in order to publicly oppress and gag those who take a stance for the freedom to believe whatever you wish and the freedom to criticise those that oppose that. So let me explain how this all … Read more

What gets you a Death Sentence in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia has a justice system whose reputation merits a closer look; they appear to be rather fond of chopping off heads, and so you can’t help but wonder what crimes motivate them to start slicing. As I’m sure you are aware, Saudi Arabia is a highly religious society, and so their judicial system is basically … Read more

#ParisAttacks – The root cause was Islamism

Many words will flow as a result of Paris, and so hopefully most of those words will give expression to our empathy and humanity … sorrow, anguish, disgust, grief, and much more, and yet there is also a danger that other words will arise and be deployed unjustly against entire communities. I’ve been there and have not … Read more

UK’s NHS to Blacklist homeopathy .. hopefully.

This has been announced by the Good Thinking Society … Simon Singh and the Good Thinking Society have today welcomed the decision of the Department of Health to consult on adding homeopathic remedies to the NHS ‘Blacklist’.  Following a proposed judicial review by the Good Thinking Society(1), the Department of Health have announced a consultation to … Read more

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Guns, and Statistics

Neil deGrasse Tyson has a few tweets that have ended up upsetting the pro-gun lobby with some rather uncomfortable statistics … 9/11 had a huge impact, and the response was the US (and others) invading Iraq for some very dubious reasons, and yet when you compare the response to terrorism with the response to the ongoing tide of fatalities … Read more