Shutdown: The Impact upon science


Nature and also Scientific American have published the same article that throws a spotlight upon some of the ways that the Shutdown is impacting science. The impact is quite real because the shutdown rather obviously impacts federally funded NASA, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Additionally all grant processing by the National Science Foundation (NSF) … Read more

Who Shares Fake News the most?

fake news

The internet is a disruptive technology. As it has rolled out over the last couple of decades many of the traditional and accepted ways that humans interact have been radically altered. This vastly increased flow of information has rippled into commerce, education, shopping, and also has now see the skewing of democratic outcomes via the … Read more

Heat is Building up in the Oceans

oceans and heat

The increase of greenhouse gases since the industrial revolution has in turn led to an increase in heat within both the atmosphere and also the oceans. Understanding the ocean impact is rather important because that is where about 90% of the increase in heat has gone. We do have accurate historical atmospheric temperature measurements, but … Read more

Top 10 Climate Change Milestones in 2018 – #climate


In the context of climate science, what significant milestones in our understanding did we see emerge in 2018? Carbon Brief has a list. They have published the top climate science papers, or to be a tad more precise, the papers that resulted in the most media attention. You can surf on over to their take … Read more

Record Low Sea Ice in Antarctica

sea ice

Since the 1970s we have a very accurate measurement via satellites of what is going on with the extent of the sea ice in both the Arctic and also the Antarctic. It is actually possible to look even further back by using ships records, for example Cook encountered a wall of sea ice when searching … Read more

What happened to a huge chunk of Earth’s history? – The Great Unconformity

Great Unconformity

There exists something in geology known as “The Great Unconformity”. This is the observation that there appears to be a gap that appears to consistently exist for specific geological layers around the planet. What exactly is this Great Unconformity? The first observation of this was made in 1869 by John Powell at the Grand Canyon. … Read more