Blue sunset – on Mars

Now this is cool … its a 30 second movie of sunset on Mars. We normally tend to think of Mars as Red, so why all the blue? Well yes indeed, dust particles do normally make the Martian sky appear reddish, but they also (as can be seen) create a bluish glow around the sun. … Read more

Fossilised finger points to previously unknown group of human relatives

Its the time of year when relations you never knew you had turn up … and guess what …it turns out this is also the case for us as a species. Yesterdays Guardian reports that a fossilised little finger discovered in a cave in the mountains of southern Siberia belonged to a young girl from … Read more

Eight-year-olds publish bee study in Royal Society journal

Now this is truly cool, its a real treat to see this … we have some eight-year old scientists who have had their findings published in Biology Letters, a high-powered journal from the UK’s prestigious Royal Society. This is all about education of course, but takes it in a very practical direction by doing some … Read more