New Type Of Entanglement Allows ‘Teleportation in Time

University of Queensland in Australia say they’ve discovered a new type of entanglement that extends, not through space, but through time. As reported in MIT’s Technology Review … Entanglement is the strange quantum phenomenon in which two or more particles become so deeply linked that they share the same existence. That leads to some counterintuitive … Read more

Irreducible complexity explained

Creationists, the folks who truly believe that evolution is a myth and that instead some magic man in the sky magically poofed life into existence, have an argument known as “Irreducible complexity”. Basically its an argument that pretends to be science … but its not. Time and time again, it has been debunked, yet the … Read more

Why does Coffee Protect Against Diabetes?

About six months ago new evidence came to light that drinking coffee may help prevent diabetes (you can read about that here). Past studies had suggested that regular coffee drinking may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, it was not new then, so to verify they fed either water or coffee to a group … Read more

How long can we live?

According to the UK government “Nearly one in five people living in the UK today will survive to see their 100th birthday” (or to be more specific, The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) said its figures suggested 10 million people – 17% of the population – would become centenarians)… hummm, now those are not … Read more

According to NASA, interstellar travel will be viable by 2200

Marc G. Millis, NASA’s leading expert on Breakthrough Propulsion Physics, has published a paper that speculates about when we can expect to make our first trip to another star. You can find the paper here. Sanity Warning: Its speculation, please digest with a few grains of salt. OK, so what he has done is to … Read more