The Vitamin Myth

[Hat tip to Carlos Pruitt for pointing me at the Guardian article] A rather pervasive myth within our modern culture is the belief that popping Vitamin supplements gives you a distinct health advantage, but this is not true and is instead a modern myth. I’m no exception and in my time I’ve been rather guilty of reaching for … Read more

Top 5 sources of good reliable health information

If you just want the list, its at the end, so feel free to skip directly there. In today’s UK Guardian, David Colquhoun, a pharmacologist at UCL who also blogs about pseudoscience and quackery at, has a fabulous article that discusses all the heath-related scams we are exposed to each and every day. If time permits, I do highly … Read more

How fast can wireless data get?

I’d love to be able to go totally wireless, but the data speed I get is simply way too slow when compared with a wire to the house … or is it? Apparently some researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics and the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology have achieved a wireless transmission of 40 Gbit/s over … Read more

Climate Change: How much agreement do we have from the subject matter experts?

Read some press stories and you would get the impression that the topic of Climate Change is one that is disputed by a lot of serious scientists who have made an entire career out of studying all the evidence in detail. (Mr Dellingpole, I’m thinking of you). However, what are the numbers, what do we really know regarding the … Read more