Climate Change: ‘The extraordinary years have become the normal years’

The old normal is gone, we are now watching an astonishing degree of unprecedented change happening in the Arctic. Chris Mooney writes in the Washington Post about the proceedings of a group a scientists who study Arctic climate system. They have been having a meeting in Washington DC at the National Press Club that was sponsored by SEARCH (the … Read more

AAAS Letter to climate change doubters in Congress

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has sent a letter to all members of congress, and that includes the many climate denialists. It has been signed by 31 leading scientific organisations and is as follows … Dear Members of Congress, We, as leaders of major scientific organizations, write to remind you of … Read more

Climate Change: The Paris Agreement is not enough

The Paris Agreement last May has been hailed a success, and in many respects it was indeed exactly that because it resulted in a completely unprecedented agreement between most of the nations on the planet to take decisive steps to combat climate change. The aim was to hold climate change below 2 degrees Celsius and to … Read more

Shock horror, “Jet Stream Crosses Equator” … oh wait …

The UK’s Independent reports the rather startling news that … Scientists warn of ‘global climate emergency’ over jet stream shift Experts say drastic weather changes could cause ‘massive hits to food supply’ and ‘death of winter’ Environmental scientists have declared a “global climate emergency” after the Northern hemisphere jet stream was found to have crossed the equator, bringing … Read more