Weird Religious News – The Torrent of Intolerance

Traditionally, religious belief is perceived to be a place of comfort and also source of all that is good. Mix a literal fundamentalist variation of belief with right-wing politics and you get a very weird cocktail that will render those that consume it utterly incoherent, obnoxious, intolerant. To criticise and mock this torrent of delusion, … Read more

Weird Religious News – GOP Jesus “Blessed are the Rich and F**k the poor”

weird religious news - cartoon by Rob Rogers

That “blessed” blend of right-wing politics and religious belief has given us a truly weird form of entertainment. Each and every week it delivers up a constant stream consisting of the utterly bizarre rantings and ravings of these lunatics. In their eyes, those that advocate compassion for the less fortunate, affordable health care for all, … Read more

Weird Religious News

weird news

The degree of weird that emerges from the blending of right-wing politics and religion is fast becoming the norm. What is listed below is neither unusual nor rare, but instead is just another week of more of the same. It is tempting to be complacent about it all, but I’ll continue to mock the utter … Read more

Weird Religious News – The Wall & The Cult


This weekly column of religious weirdness has quite naturally evolved into a spotlight focused upon that caravan or lunacy; the right-wing evangelicals. The scope of the utter insanity is of course not just them. The utterly useless wall proposal has more or less demonstrated on an epic scale just how religiously cult-like and weird the … Read more