Weird Right-Wing Fundamentalist News Items
Here is this week’s selection of that blend of right-wing extremism and religious fundamentalism that issues a constant stream of weird stuff
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Here is this week’s selection of that blend of right-wing extremism and religious fundamentalism that issues a constant stream of weird stuff
It has been announced that Physicist Marcelo Gleiser has been granted the Templeton Foundation’s $1.4 million prize for 2019. Sanity warning – this is not your normal prize, winning this is not a badge of honour, it more or less announces “here is somebody prepared to blend religion with science”. What is the Templeton Foundation? … Read more
I started out doing “Top 3 Religious News Items” and that then evolved into “Weird Religious News”. What does become clear over time is that this is not just about belief. The majority of humans inherit a cultural tradition, and most will generally participate and adhere to the bits they enjoy with varying degrees of … Read more
Here is this week’s selection of some truly weird right-wing fundamentalist rhetoric. As usual, tolerance, compassion, and empathy are AWOL.
Once upon a time being a satirist was a cushy job. There were plenty of easy targets. Sadly such days are gone. With the marriage of right-wing politics and religious fundamentalism, we now live in a truly weird age where it is more or less impossible to work out what is satire and what is … Read more
It’s that time of year again when we have what must be more or less a wet-dream for that blend of right-wing politics and religious fundamentalism. This past week saw CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) take place. No longer is this event a traditional Conservative event, this is a new shiny CPAC reformed in the … Read more