Please let this be satire or parody …

I have come across this jaw dropping news … a Catholic conference for a bunch of supposedly highly educated folks to babble on about the “evidence” that the earth is the center of the Universe. (Click here to see the details) Galileo Was Wrong is a detailed and comprehensive treatment of the scientific evidence supporting … Read more

Societies without God are more benevolent

There is a great article in today’s UK Sunday Observer. On some occasions, when debating a believer, you often have bible verses tossed at you that announce “The fool has said in his heart there is no God”, or similar. This is more than a subtle hint that from the believers viewpoint you are a … Read more

Burning Books – At the best of times, not a great idea

Pastor Terry Jones from the Church of Nowhere Important, and his vast multitude of, oh about as many as 50 on a good day, has (as we all know by now) decided to organize a book burning. As for the response, well of course a vast number of Muslims will immediately see the error of … Read more

An audience with the Pope – What would you say?

The latest edition of the UK’s “New Humanist” has asked a few famous folks what they would say to the pope if they were granted an audience with him. Here are a few of my favorites … Richard Dawkins: “Mr Ratzinger, as head of the world’s second most evil religion you are not welcome. True, … Read more

Christopher Hitchens: “Freedom of Religion – No Thanks”

There is a thought provoking article by Christopher Hitchens that was published in Slate on 6th Sept (Yes, OK, I’m a slow reader, even if it is 2 days later, I get there eventually). Do you truly believe in “Freedom of Religion? Without giving it too much thought, the immediate off the cuff remark might … Read more

Canon law has allowed Catholic abuse priests to escape punishment

There is an interesting article in today’s UK Guardian that states the position now being taken by Geoffrey Robertson QC, the lawyer engaged to seriously consider a legal challenge against the pope. His book, “The Case of the Pope”, is published tomorrow, so unless you have been living on MARS for the past five years, … Read more