Is sin real – Are we really just a few heartbeats away from depravity and wickedness? – Part II

I was writing yesterday about the religious claim that the default status of humans is that we are all fundamentally flawed, and suggested that if this was really true then the world should not be getting better, yet as a stark contrast to that the measurable worldwide trend is one in which violence of all types … Read more

Is sin real – Are we really just a few heartbeats away from depravity and wickedness?

A common foundational idea of religious belief is the classic sales pitch – “here is a hideous problem within human nature, but I have a product that will fix it for you”, but if the problem itself is fictitious, then the proposed “solution” is attempting to fix a problem you do not have. It really is often … Read more

Mike Huckabee thinks there’s a law that ‘black people aren’t fully human’

It’s Kim Davis of course, and so the weird logic that Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is attempting to deploy is that there is a law that we would all agree is morally bad and so we simply all opt to ignore it. In trying to do this, he basically gets it very wrong, and so … Read more

Would you sell your soul for a cookie?

There is a prevailing religious belief that we all have a soul, but this is simply a historical tradition that came about because our ancestors ran with this idea as a way to explain themselves, the actual empirical evidence for this is exactly zero. The fact that something cannot be detected or measured need not imply … Read more

Quick quiz that examines your thoughts on religious liberty

With Kim Davis and all her supporters screaming about being oppressed, there is a nice little quiz that they should consider taking. It first appeared a few years ago in the Huff Po, but has not remained static and has been updated. Here is a sample of the first few questions … 2. My religious liberty … Read more

Lying to promote a belief … completely blows your credibility

The Godless spellchecker has a great article exposing an absurd claim published within the UK’s Independent that ‘Islamophobic’ hate crime is up by 70% in London … ‘Islamophobic’ hate crime is up by 70% in England’s capital, we’re informed by the BBC today ahead of their scheduled documentary ‘Inside Out: Behind The Veil‘ this evening. A concerning headline indeed. … Read more