Is ISIS simply a group of Psychopaths?

When faced with the reality of their abhorrent behaviour, especially when they appear to relish and delight in proudly promoting it, a rather natural thought is that they are simply crazy, or to be a tad more clinical, they are a gang of psychopaths. A psychopath is an individual who acts in an uninhibited manner without … Read more

Exactly how much support does ISIS have?

ISIS has managed to attract some rather suggestible people into abandoning their existing life and fleeing to Syria to join up and fight for the cause, the term they use to describe this is “Hijra”. The observation that many have walked this road leaves you wondering just how much support they actually have, and so to answer … Read more

‪#‎ExMuslimBecause‬ is trending

Hey, this is something new, #‎ExMuslimBecause‬ has been trending on twitter. One of the most powerful arguments against religious belief often comes, not from those that do not believe, but rather from the actions and behaviour of those that truly do, and then follow it through to the letter. A Christian example of this that springs … Read more

Morality with and without a god

So I have a Morality claim from “TheBlaze” … well yes, identifying that as the source is perhaps sufficient to trigger a “here be some BS” alarm, because taking anything from TheBlaze seriously would perhaps be as viable as using Answers In Genesis as your go-to reference for science. As a bit of background context, TheBlaze was founded by Glenn Beck, a … Read more

Genocide – Discovery of Mass graves in Iraq

Paris has perhaps eclipsed an even greater ISIS atrocity. Last week Kurdish forces, backed by British and American air strikes, liberated Sinjar from ISIS, and made the horrendous discovery of mass graves. As reported in the Telegraph … They discovered two graves. The first – containing the corpses of older women – was found west of the city’s centre, … Read more