More Islamist updates from Goldsmiths ISOC

The Goldsmiths saga continues. I truly thought my last posting on the abysmal behaviour by members of the Islamic Society (ISOC) at Goldsmiths university would be the last one, but no, the saga continues, and so their latest statement prompts me to point out that their belligerent condescending attitude towards anybody who has the temerity to … Read more

What is really wrong with Shari’a courts

You might, or perhaps might not, be aware that there is a thriving system of alternative courts that serves the Islamic community in the UK. They operate under the banner of “Arbitration” and so are enabled via the 1996 Arbitration act. It might on the surface appear to be of no consequence, especially if what it … Read more

Human Rights: Waleed Abulkhair

Amnesty International is highlighting the case of the Saudi Human Rights activist Waleed Abulkhair and they have a petition for you to sign. They explain what has happened to him … On 6 July 2014, Waleed was sentenced to 15 years in prison, a 15-year travel ban and a fine of 200,000 Saudi Arabian riyals (over £35,000) … Read more

The Goldsmiths Islamists (ISOC) & their LGBT & Feminist “Friends”

Since blogging about this rather bizarre confrontation a few days ago, things have become even weirder and far more bizarre, so much so, that it all warrants a return to take a closer look at ISOC (The Goldsmiths Islamic society). First The Backstory On 30 November 2015 Maryam Namazie gave a talk at Goldsmiths University. She had been … Read more

Goldsmiths Feminist Society stands in solidarity with Goldsmiths Islamic Society

Much to my complete and utter astonishment, two diametrically opposed ideologies have climbed into bed together at Goldsmiths university in order to publicly oppress and gag those who take a stance for the freedom to believe whatever you wish and the freedom to criticise those that oppose that. So let me explain how this all … Read more