David Barton: I’ll Only Debate Atheists If I Get to Speak 92% of the Time

Sometimes you come across folks who feel they are truly entitled to a special privilege. Take for example Mr David Barton. The Friendly Atheist recounts this latest saga of absurdity on steroids … Christian pseudo-historian David Barton gave a sermon last month at Calvary Chapel Salt Lake (Utah) in which he explained the bizarre conditions under which he’d debate … Read more

There are hints of a new and far better arabic spring

In response to a religiously motivated attack the traditional response within the more serious portions of Arabic media has been the adoption of the stance that those that perpetrate such crimes against humanity are not “true” Muslims and nothing to do with Islam. Sadly such a stance is a denial of reality and helps to … Read more

Satanic Rituals at a Bible Belt City council

It really happened. This is story about David Suhor from the Satanic Temple and how he delivered a rather unique invocation at a Pensacola City Council meeting deep in the heart of the US Bible belt a couple of weeks ago. As you might perhaps anticipate, it provoked a reaction and so we also had protesters in … Read more

Pakistani Muslim Doctor threatened for helping non-Muslim

The Guardian recounts the firsthand story written by a Muslim doctor about what happened when he treated a non-Muslim, and how it resulted in him completely changing his entire life and fleeing Pakistan. …one night while working an ER shift, when I received a patient needing urgent dialysis. Unattended and disheveled as he was, there … Read more

Pokémon Go the ultimate religious lunatic detector

What happens when Pokémon Go meets fanatical religious belief in Saudi Arabia? I’m speculating about your thoughts, but my guess it that you will most probably conjurer up mental images of lots of little Pokémon being beheaded, and that is not too far from the truth. We have been here before, because back in 2001 when Pokémon first … Read more

Daft Claim: “Pokémon GO cyber-demons to be used by Islamic jihadists”

Sometimes you come across stuff that is so utterly bizarre that it is actually in one sense quite entertaining comedy gold. Today we throw a spotlight upon Rick Wiles, the host of the TruNews radio program, a Far-Right fundamentalist Christian radio show.  There he not only promotes conspiracy theories, but often strives with some success to out-crazy all the competition. “Weird” does not begin … Read more