Fourteen per cent of Evangelicals left their churches after Trump’s election

This is not an article about religion as such, but rather is a commentary on the response to the Religious Right’s political support for an individual who incarnates the opposite of almost every single thing that they claim they stand for. The UK”s Independent highlights just how bizarre the evangelical right’s behaviour has been … The vast majority … Read more

How many people actually believe in God?

belief in god

Belief in God sounds like a simple question to address, and is one that you would expect is well understood. Simply conduct a poll, and if concerned about people being pressured by friends or relatives, then make it anonymous. That should yield a reasonable answer … right? There are of course polls like this that are run on a … Read more

Did Jesus really exist?

Was there ever an actual human named Jesus or is his very existence a myth? The most probable rational conclusion is that there was indeed a human who claimed to be a Messiah and was then executed. However, when it comes to the various supernatural and miracle claims, there are very good reasons for considering all … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

It was of course tempting to include the insanity in the UK regarding “Cadburys Egg Hunt”, but since I already covered that a few days ago, it is not in this week’s list. So what have I got for you this week? Item 1 – Steven Bancarz: Your Knick-Knacks Can Give Demons the “Legal Right” To Do Demon Stuff … Read more

Claim: National Trust and Cadbury’s have dropped the word Easter

A claim has popped up in the UK that has caught the attention of many, and that includes both the media and also the movers and shakers within the political arena. Apparently Cadbury, the chocolate manufacturer,  and the National Trust have supposedly obliterated all references to Easter from material promoting egg hunts across the country. So let’s take a … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

And so another week has passed. Each week I cast my eyes over the religious landscape to see if anything weird catches my eye. It is of course wholly subjective, and yet for most, also truly bizarre stuff. So did anything catch my eye? Nope, it has been a very dull week, and nothing of … Read more