Really daft claim: “Atheism Is a Religion, and Neil deGrasse Tyson and Cosmos Seek Converts”

Just how truly weird can claims made by serious intelligent people become? The answer would appear to be really really weird, because this latest example is truly quite stunning. David Klinghoffer, an author and Senior Fellow of the Discovery Institute, the organization that is the driving force behind the intelligent design movement has written an article within “Evolution News & … Read more

$100,000 to prove God doesn’t exist

Alas yes, once again it is time for the almost daily religious ritual of “Let’s shift the burden of proof” gambit. Today’s example comes from deep inside the religious bubble of Evangelical pastor and Internet celebrity Joshua Feuerstein, and yes, it’s the guy in the red baseball cap who has previously made himself famous by promoting some rather silly … Read more

Daft Claim: “Atheists are angry because they secretly know God exists and is judging them”

Yep, Mr Sorbo (pictured above in one of his acting roles) is once again off on one of his rants. Least you wonder, the actor Kevin Sorbo, has been getting a bit of a reputation as a complete kook due to his recent spate of outbursts against people who dare to not actually believe in a god. … Read more

State Funds to be used to Keep Noah’s ark afloat

You might, or perhaps might not be aware, that there exists a Museum in Kentucky that vigorously promotes the rather daft idea that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. Back in the 17th Century James Ussher, the Archbishop of Armagh in Ireland, sat down and calculated the age of the earth by using the genealogies contained … Read more

Weird belief – Those who think the bible is all true but are not religious

People believe some truly weird things, and yet even while believing, end up doing something different. My classical example of this concerns those that truly believed that Obama is the Anti-Christ. Now what makes that last one truly weird is as follows: A poll revealed that 13% of the US at the time of the … Read more