An attempted modern Resurrection fails

The astonishing part of this story not only concerns the observation that some religious nut truly believed that he could be buried and then resurrected, but that he also found a few others who were prepared to buy into the absurd idea and bury him alive. It all concerns Shamiso Kanyama, a self-appointed “prophet” who … … Read more

Answers in Genesis on 1st April – Ancient non-Stick Frying Pan discovered

Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis, the folks who assert that not just planet Earth, but the entire universe is 6,000 years old, wrote a blog posting on 1st April all about the discovery of ancient non-stick frying pans. He wrote … With the construction quickly progressing at the Ark Encounter site in Northern Kentucky, … Read more

Weird Claims: Pastor went to heaven and came back with pictures

When it comes to truly weird claims then this one is way out into the ocean of weirdness and has left the distant shore of reality a rapidly fading memory. It concerns Prophet Mboro of The Incredible Happenings Ministries (the hint of what is to come is perhaps in the name that sets expectations here). So “Prophet … Read more

Christian Chocolatiers upset by non-christian chocolate bunnies

It sounds bizarre, but it is indeed all quite true. The mainstream manufactures of chocolate easter eggs and bunnies stand accused of rebranding them to avoid offending non-Christians – specifically the complaint is that the word “Easter” or “Jesus” is not emblazoned on each box. This bizarre accusation comes from David Marshall of the Meaningful Chocolate Company, and the … Read more

Weird Weekly Claim: “Atheists use less brain function”

So for this week’s weird claim we have a Christian Web site called AmericanVision that cites a study to prove that not believing in a god requires less brain power, and yes, it is not a satire site, he is being very serious. It is actually a posting published back in Oct 2015 and so … Read more