Daft Claim: “Pokémon GO cyber-demons to be used by Islamic jihadists”

Sometimes you come across stuff that is so utterly bizarre that it is actually in one sense quite entertaining comedy gold. Today we throw a spotlight upon Rick Wiles, the host of the TruNews radio program, a Far-Right fundamentalist Christian radio show.  There he not only promotes conspiracy theories, but often strives with some success to out-crazy all the competition. “Weird” does not begin … Read more

Religious group demands airtime on BBC

So the news is that Voice for Justice UK, a religious group, has presented a 12,000 signature petition to the BBC demanding that the BBC should not take up proposals to reduce Christian programs and that they should also fire their current Head of Religion and Ethics, Aaqil Amhed, simply because he is not Christian. Their representative, … Read more

Exactly how crazy is the Genesis creation myth?

Is the Genesis creation myth a metaphorical or poetical story that works at some level, or is it completely are utterly crazy because it is just too out of step with our modern understanding? If you read the text then you will discover a few rather surprising claims, for example … 14. And God said, Let there … Read more

Weird Demands: Pat Boone Wants Blasphemy Laws to Punish Saturday Night Live

Pat Boone, yes the singer not somebody with a similar name, feels that Saturday night live went too far with a recent parody and he would like to see a blasphemy law put in place to prosecute them for “Blasphemy”. This happened a few days ago on the April 22, 2016 broadcast of Fox News Radio’s The … Read more

Really Daft Claim: “Stonehenge Built by Race of Satanic Giants”

Whenever I think I’ve heard all the truly daft religious claims, up pops somebody who is quite determined to push the envelope out into new unchartered and quite bizarre crackpottery. It comes via a chap who appeared on the Jim Baker show, and given that Mr Baker is himself a few clowns short of a full-blown circus, it … Read more