Guide for Muslims – How to win debates with Atheists

Having debated on-line for some time with Muslims within various forums, I feel it might be somewhat amusing to list some of the “rules” that they appear to play by when engaging with non-believers. Much as I might like to claim ownership of all these, I can’t. Most come from others who contributed suggestions, so … Read more

‘Honour’ crimes against women in UK rising rapidly

Today’s UK Guardian has a truly tragic story by Rachel Williams. The numbers now available reveal a horrendous rise of 47% in ‘honor’ crimes within the UK. Incidentally, that name ‘honor’ is not at all appropriate, what honor is there in any of this; dispensing violence and intimidation using your own hands upon your own … Read more

Sharia … is not an alternative form of morality – Support One Law for All

Muslims believe sharia is God’s law, and appear to be rather eager to see it established. However, what is rather interesting is that there is no consensus on what it actually is. There is a considerable degree of variation, so if you probe, you quickly discover that modernists, traditionalists and fundamentalists all hold different views … Read more

Homophobic Bigotry from the oppressed Ahmadiyya community

I’ve been having an ongoing dialog with several members of the highly oppressed Ahmadiyya community. You might wonder, “Who?”. OK, let me explain, they claim to be Islamic, but most Orthodox Muslims consider them to be heretical and non-Muslim for a number of reasons (if curious, click here to find out more from Wikipedia). The result … Read more

Sunni Islam vs western Human Rights – “Incompatible” claims Grand Imam

In all variations of belief and non-belief you will find some truly eccentric individuals who spout outrageous ideas. While they can all indeed be mocked and ridiculed, most can also be safely ignored. However, when community leaders, politicians, or clerics take up the mantle of insanity, then it is time to truly worry, not just … Read more