Watching Volleyball in Iran means Jail if you are female, so no Volleyball in Iran now – #FreeGhoncheh

I wrote a couple of days ago about the utterly absurd case in Iran of a British citizen Ghoncheh Ghavami, 25, being found guilty of spreading anti-regime propaganda and in fact all she had actually done was to attempt to go a watch a game of Volleyball, a sport that is apparently the exclusive preserve of men. … Read more

Saudi Atheist Facing 10 Years in Jail and 1,000 Lashes for Blasphemy Receives Prize from Reporters Without Borders

A very brave Saudi Arabian blogger, Raif Badawi (pictured above), was sentenced to 10 years in jail and 1,000 lashes for the (from the viewpoint of the Saudi authorities) hideous crime of starting a progressive website. It contained ideas that truly frightened and terrified them, for example religious tolerance and women’s rights, and so they came down hard on … Read more

Islamic sense of humour failure

Citizen Khan (pictured above) is a family-based British sitcom produced by the BBC and created by Adil Ray. It is set in Sparkhill, Birmingham, described by its lead character a Pakistani Muslim Mr Khan (Adil Ray) as “the capital of British Pakistan.” Citizen Khan follows the trials and tribulations of Mr Khan, a loud-mouthed, patriarchal, self-appointed community leader, and his long suffering wife (played by Shobu Kapoor) … Read more

Iran = Place where watching volleyball earns you one year in jail

It sounds utterly absurd, and the reason it does is because it truly is by any reasonable or rational measure. The BBC has the details … A British-Iranian woman detained in Iran after trying to watch a men’s volleyball match has been sentenced to a year in prison, her lawyer says. Ghoncheh Ghavami, 25, was … Read more

Daft Claim: Criticism of belief is bigotry and is like racism or homophobia

Kashif N Chaudhry, an  Muslim, writes that he carried out a social media experiment yesterday to see if new atheists’ onslaught on Yale Humanist Community was based on principle or prejudice. He concludes that verdict is out, and details it in his latest Huffington Post article. There he writes … Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an extreme anti-Islam critic, well known for her bigoted views … Read more

Islamist Morals: ISIS Brutally Murdered 700 People… After a Man Was Caught Smoking

This one truly shocked me. You would now perhaps reasonably expect to be immune to the idea of being shocked by all that ISIS do, but this latest tragic tale paints a picture of some truly barbaric atrocities all inspired by fanatical fascist Islamic belief. I’m cheating a bit because what I’m doing is cutting and pasting a posting from … Read more