Radical Muslim Scholars demand UN impose worldwide ban on ‘Contempt of Religion’

The following has been reported … Earlier this week, the Qatar-based international Union of Muslim Scholars– headed by Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the spiritual guide of Egypt’s banned Muslim Brotherhood– called upon the United Nations to make “contempt of religions” illegal.In a statement released on Tuesday, the Union said that there should be “protection for ‘prophets’” and urged … Read more

Swimming against the tide – Atheist TV channel starts up in Egypt

I would not have thought it possible yet, but apparently there is a new Atheist TV channel in Egypt called “Free Mind TV”. The Voice of America reports … EGYPT— In Egypt, a deeply religious country in a deeply religious region, atheism is not only taboo, it is dangerous.  It is sometimes even criminal to … Read more

ISIS and Taliban Have Announced Jihad…On Each Other.

This, if true (and I harbour some doubts), is quite frankly hilarious – ISIS, a group that embraces a rather extreme, violent, and completely intolerant variation of Islamic belief, have declared Jihad on the Teliban, another group that embraces a rather extreme, violent, and completely intolerant but slightly different variation of Islamic belief, and the Teliban … Read more

Raif Badawi’s deleted posts have today been published in a new book #FreeRaif

Raif Badawi, who was sentenced to 10 years in jail and to also be whipped in public every Friday for simply blogging criticism of the religious clerics in Saudi Arabia,  has a new book published today … (sorry but in German). It is entitled – 1,000 lashes: Because I say what I think – and the … Read more

Islamists hack another blogger to death in Bangladesh

Once again the religion of “Peace” strikes – the news is that Washiqur Rahman, a 27-year-old Bangladeshi blogger, was intercepted outside his home and hacked to death by three fanatical Islamists who are offended by his writings. The Washington Post reports … Police arrested two men in Rahman’s killing; a third suspected accomplice escaped. Bangladeshi media … Read more

Enthralled by Conspiracy Theories

I don’t often agree with Mehdi Hasan, but when it comes to a recent article of his in the New Statesman, I find that I do. He is a devout Muslim, who when faced with the ongoing conspiracy dialog within the Muslim world, is finding that he is becoming quite frustrated by it all. He writes … Read more