How do you persuade an Evangelical that Climate Change is real?

persuasion evangelicals climate change

One startling observation is that the vast majority of Evangelicals within the US reject the idea that climate change is real. However, there is some hope. A new study reveals that an evangelical mind can be changed if clear factual information is presented by somebody who is an insider. They simply get presented with what … Read more

What can you do about Climate Avoidance? – Top 10 tips


Climate Denial is the rejection of what is now a well established observational fact – our climate is warming and all the fossil fuel greenhouse gases we are pumping into the atmosphere are causing it. Regardless of the tribal GOP stance on the topic, the vast majority do accept that this really is happening. This … Read more

What do Creationists and Conspiracy Theorists have in common?


What do people who believe in creationism and people who believe in conspiracy theories have in common? According to a new study the correlation is Teleological thinking. What the heck is that? OK, more on that in a second. First, let’s think briefly about why knowing about this matters. Understanding how we as humans can be … Read more

Dunning-Kruger update – Anti-Vax folks think they know more than doctors

dunning kruger and anti-vax

The term “Dunning-Kruger” is a reference to a cognitive bias. This is where people who know next to nothing on some topic truly believe that the little they do know makes them an expert and grants them the mantle of “expert”. It’s not about bluster or pretense, they truly believe it. In essence, they know … Read more

Your Fake News problem is not just “them” it’s you.

fake news

On 9th August Time magazine published a really great article titled “How Your Brain Tricks You Into Believing Fake News“. I can highly recommend reading. It dives below the surface into the heart of the problem and is not simply another article having a bit of a moan about it all. I have one huge … Read more