WikiLeaks Revolution – Digital Warfare

For some, Wikileaks is evil incarnate, and so they have not held back from openly calling for extreme measures against Julian Assange. Mike Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor, said those who passed the secrets to Assange should be executed. Sarah Palin demanded that Assange himself should be hunted in the same way an al-Qaida operative … Read more

Famous quote – “If only there were evil people…”

Todays Famous quote … Alexander Solzhenitsyn If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a … Read more

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani ‘at home’ pictures trigger confusion over her fate

Something dramatic has just happened, but there is considerable confusion as to what exactly is going on … the picture on the left is that that of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani with her son Sajjad at home. Why the confusion, well only a few days ago she was in Jail awaiting for her death sentence of … Read more

The latest on the Wikileaks war

Regardless of how you feel, not only is all this a complete wet dream for all the newspapers, but also something fundamental has been changed within the political landscape, stuffing the genie back into the bottle is simply not an option … so where are we today? Attacks and counter strikes MasterCard stopped payments to … Read more

Christopher Hitchens – On Wikileaks

Yesterday Christopher Hitchens wrote about WikiLeaks and all that has happened in Slate … here are a few snippits from it … The WikiLeaks founder is an unscrupulous megalomaniac with a political agenda. … The cunning of Julian Assange’s strategy is that he has made everyone complicit in his own private decision to try to … Read more

Paul Chambers – “I’m blowing the airport sky high!!”

Paul Chambers, a 26 year old accountant, was arrested on 13th January by four police officers … Why? …Well apparently, his hideous crime was to post a joke on twitter. After making plans to travel through Robin Hood airport in Sheffield to see his girlfriend, he was alarmed to find that due to snow they … Read more