UK MP Gary Streeter claims that only Christians help the poor

Mr Streeter, a former government minister and current MP, made some rather strange the remarks on Radio 4’s Today programme, he basically asserted that only religious people can be moral. The dialog proceeded as follows … Mr Streeter said the Prime Minister is “reflecting a new-found confidence in the Church in Britain, and a new-found … Read more

Child accused of planning a murder, threatening police and interfering in state affairs

Sometimes the degree of stupidity exceeds all expectations. In Pakistan, Mosa Khan, a child, has been accused along with 30 other people of planning  murder, threatening police and also interfering in state affairs. So is this some teen who has gone rogue? Nope, here he is in court … Yes, the accused is 9 months old. … Read more

Turkey Unblocks twitter

Turkey is back on the map once again. Officials there have now announced that the country has lifted the ban on Twitter on Thursday – see news reports – and yes, their Government  does confirm that they have lifted the ban a day after the country’s highest court ruled that the Twitter ban was illegal, ordering the government to unblock … Read more