The decline and demise of the Republican party in the US

PublicPolicyVoting conducted a recent poll in which many questions, (42 to be precise), were asked. It is a real poll and you can find the details within a huge PDF here. Browse and you will find many interesting questions and some rather surprising and quite shocking responses, and so you need to be aware that this was … Read more

Donald Trump meets Michael Moore – #WeAreAllMuslim

Michael Moore, the documentary filmmaker, screenwriter, author, and journalist, went and stood outside Trump tower with a sign that reads “We are all Muslim” (pictured above), then when finally moved on by the police, he went home, sat down and wrote Mr Trump the following letter … FROM: Michael Moore TO: Donald J. Trump Dear Donald Trump: You … Read more

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Guns, and Statistics

Neil deGrasse Tyson has a few tweets that have ended up upsetting the pro-gun lobby with some rather uncomfortable statistics … 9/11 had a huge impact, and the response was the US (and others) invading Iraq for some very dubious reasons, and yet when you compare the response to terrorism with the response to the ongoing tide of fatalities … Read more

The Public Flogging of Raif Badawi is set to resume – #FreeRaif

Ensaf Haidar, the wife of the unjustly imprisoned Raif Badawi, has issued a statement in which she reports that his flogging is set to resume … I was informed by an informed source, that the Saudi authorities have given the green light to the resumption of Raif Badawi’s flogging. The informed source also said that the … Read more

Claim: FFRF are the “Atheist Taliban”

Tony Perkins is president of the Family Research Council. Now while indeed the name “Family Research Council” sounds warm, cuddly and acceptable, it is not, because as you might guess their stance is basically religious and so what “promoting family values” means in their reality is opposing social equality and basic human rights. If you … Read more