John Oliver has a few observations on Televangelists

John Oliver takes aim at the prosperity gospel swindlers and nails them beautifully. This one is doing the rounds, and yet it is so good that it deserves to be highlighted and promoted, and so that is exactly what I’m doing. I confess that I loved this because these fraudsters are not simply harmless religious cranks, … Read more

Funny replies to Homophobic hate mail

So how should people who are on the receiving end of a constant stream of hate mail respond? There are of course many options that range from the snide rebuttal, through to a well-reasoned appeal designed to stir up human empathy, or perhaps even to rise above it all and ignore it. Given all the distinct possibilities … Read more

Weird lawsuit: Demand for $58 million from Richard Dawkins

I tripped up over the details of this one the other day, and it truly is bizarre. It is one of those cases that pops up whenever you might be tempted to think, “nobody could be that stupid”, because sure enough, up pops somebody who is quite determined to prove you wrong about that. A couple of … Read more

The Guardian’s Hatchet job of Maajid Nawaz

The former Islamic extremist and now anti-extremist campaigner, Maajid Nawaz, has had a bit of a hatchet job done to him by David Shariatmadari within a Guardian article. He was supposedly being profiled, but then Mr Shariatmadari laced it all with some anonymous quotes and essentially stuck the knife into him. Was it Really A hatchet Job? … Read more

Smart does not equate to being right

Dr Jim Pearl is a resident of Hayden Lake who happens to have a PhD. Strangely enough he also holds some truly bizarre beliefs and so he writes an article that outlines his reasons for these bizarre beliefs that starts off with a pro-science stance, then rapidly retreats into an anti-science religious stance. Read and you will discover the … Read more