September 8th – Rise for Climate

rise for climate

Tomorrow, Sept 8th, is Rise for Climate day. The weekend of 8-9 Sept will see people all around the world getting together to hold events under the banner of Rise for Climate. This is grassroots movement seeking a fossil fuel free world. Is there an event near me? Probably yes. There are over 600 events taking … Read more

Pew have a new way of measuring what you believe

religious survey

Often a survey or poll will ask you to tick an option such as those illustrated above. Many will dutifully respond and tick the option that best describes their cultural heritage. This however says nothing at all about what people actually believe, but instead perhaps reflects their ethnic or cultural heritage. If you want to … Read more

A few thoughts on Boris and the Burka silly season storm


The “storm” that has been generated by an article that Boris Johnston wrote in the Telegraph regarding the Burka is perhaps partially explained by the timing – it’s the silly season. It chokes me to say this but for once, and it is damn rare for this to happen, I agree to some degree with … Read more

What does the Marshmallow Test really tell us?

marshmallow test

The Marshmallow Test is all about delayed gratification and the potential impact that can have on our lives. It dates back to the late 1960s when psychologist Walter Mischel conducted a series of tests on very young children. It works like this. The child is presented with a marshmallow on a plate and told something like … Read more

Climate Change: You want me to do what?

climate change

When it comes to dealing with Climate Change we perhaps think about big ticket items such as coal fired power stations. On a far smaller scale what exactly can we as individuals do that will really make a difference, if anything? We often strive to recycle, and to also use more efficient lightbulbs, but are … Read more

The Cartoonist Fired for criticising Trump strikes back

Rob Rogers

Rob Rogers spent many decades being the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette cartoonist, but ended up being fired because he created cartoons that criticised Trump. Yesterday Nib has published, in cartoon form of course, a comic that he has written to tell the story of what happened. It is titled  “I Was Fired for Criticizing Trump.”. Here is a brief … Read more