Survey: Nearly one in six Britons would refuse Covid-19 vaccine
The anti-vaccine movement is already rejecting a COVID-19 vaccine that does not exist. Is attacking social media the best response for this?
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
The anti-vaccine movement is already rejecting a COVID-19 vaccine that does not exist. Is attacking social media the best response for this?
Is there anything we can do to prevent people from sharing misinformation about COVID-19? New study reveals that there is indeed a solution.
The steroid Dexamethasone has been hailed as a new wonder drug for tackling COVID-19. Things are not quite as presented to us.
Knowing the COVID-19 Fatality Rate is very important. It tells us how seriously we should take it and how to respond. What is that rate?
Has there been any peer-reviewed research conducted into the effectiveness of the Lockdown policies? Some might seriously wonder if it has all been for nothing. Most would more reasonably conclude that it has been effective, but would be hard-pressed to put a precise number on it. If we turn to the scientific literature, there has … Read more
The following has been published within the BMJ on 28th May 2020. I’ve replicated it below without comment. England is abandoning lockdown and possibly hope of containing a second wave of covid-19. From 1 June schools will open to children other than those of key workers. Outdoor markets and car showrooms will reopen. In two … Read more