How you too can use twitter to become instantly world famous

Kristen Neel, a teenager from Georgia, was rather disappointed when Obama won, so she tweeted as follows to express her disgust with the US as follows : A retweet count of  1,424, gosh why is that? Perhaps because there are a couple of very minor little problems here … Australia does not have a President, … Read more

God Officially Distances Self From Christian Right

It is an Onion spoof of course… but funny because so much of the rhetoric that the Christian right spout is very much at odds with the philosophy they claim to embrace … love your neighbour (except those that are gay, or atheist, or voted democrat, etc…), give away all your money (but only so … Read more

Iran reports “The Onion” article as real news

This is a story is truly funny. The Onion, a satire of a real news organization, published a funny story that claimed “Gallup Poll: Rural Whites Prefer Ahmadinejad To Obama“.  The joke is obvious, you get it of course, the Iranian president Abmadinejad is well-known as a cretinous lunatic who spouts complete bullshit during his various trips to the … Read more

And this year’s Ig Nobel Prizes are …

Now least you are wondering, “What the heck are Ig Nobel prizes?”, I better explain.These  honor achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think. The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative — and spur people’s interest in science, medicine, and technology. Every year, in a gala ceremony in Harvard’s Sanders Theatre, … Read more

A bit of fun …Messing about with Gravity

There exists a very strange place on planet earth, so weird that gravity as we know it does not appear to work as we expect.

Here is a clip by well-known skeptic, Brian Dunning, illustrating this weird anomaly. It is located within Death Valley deep inside one of the hidden canyons (Mosaic Canyon) and caught my attention because I was in that exact spot a couple of months ago myself and was quite amazed by it. Anyway, here is Brian explaining …

OK, so what is going on here, is this credible or is there something else happening? Does gravity really behave like this?

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Climate Change denial and conspiracies

I blogged the day before yesterday about a study soon to be published in Psychological Science . It revealed that conspiracy theories tend to cluster, those that buy into moon hoax theories are prone to buy into other conspiracy theories such as 9/11 being an inside job, or climate change denial. Interestingly enough they also found that … Read more