Billy Graham advises on how to convert an Atheist?

Christian Daily has a rather revealing article that grants an insight into the inner workings of religious belief within the human mind. Billy Graham, the quite famous and now also quite elderly evangelist, was recently asked for advice by somebody on how they could win over and convert an atheist friend. This was not a face-to-face … Read more

Weird claims: “Obama Is a Muslim”

We do all know that it is perhaps part of the human condition for many wacky ideas to float about, but sometimes even that knowledge does not insulate you from being surprised when something truly bizarre pops it. Perhaps the degree of surprise is in some respects source driven. Conservapedia is a well-known bastion of absurd nonsense and … Read more

Is there Scientific Proof that 9/11 was an inside job?

The news that has made the 9/11 truthers almost orgasmic with joy is the claim that a credible scientific journal, Europhysics News, has published the results of a study that claims to verify that 9/11 was an inside job. As an example of the various reports, WND (the far right site known to some as WingNutDaily), has this claim … Read more

Insights into the Sandy Hook Hoax claims

Today I’m pointing you towards a very insightful article that is also a tough one to read. I do not mean intellectually tough, but rather emotionally because it involves the murder of very young children and also outlines how one parent had to cope with the subsequent claim that his young son had never actually … Read more

Did Michele Bachmann say that white people suffered more under Obama than black people did during slavery?

I saw the following posting pop up on Facebook where it is being promoted as fact … It comes across as horrendous, crass, and an incredibly stupid thing to say. It very much panders to the reputation she has as somebody who is very religious and is often quoted as saying some truly silly things, … Read more