A skeptics guide to supernatural occurrences

supernatural occurrences and coincidence

Sometimes when something that is so improbable and outlandish happens we might be tempted to conclude that a supernatural event has taken place. “It can be the only explanation” we might think, because the odds of it actually happening by chance are simply too great for it to have been a coincidence. I have a … Read more

Can you Prove Jesus with Bayes Theorem?

Jesus and Bayes Theorem

Can you take a statistical tool such as Bayes Theorem and calculate meaningful answers to religious questions such as “Is there a God?“, “Did Jesus exist?“, or “Did Jesus rise from the dead?“. It has been tried, people really will deploy this approach. When challenged they often exclaim “You can’t argue with the maths, it … Read more

Do we live in a simulated universe?

simulated universe

The question is this – is all of reality, the earth, and the entire universe including you, part of a simulated universe? Elon Musk rather famously believes this to be true. To understand what he believes and why, permit me to quote from a Space article written about an interview with him that covered the … Read more

Playing “Bad News” teaches Fake News awareness

fake news

There is an online game that you can play called “Bad News”. This however is not just any game, it has been specifically designed to psychologically train and inoculate those that play against Fake News and disinformation. How can this possibly work? The thinking behind this is research into what is known to some as … Read more