The rise of atheism in Pakistan

It might sound strange, but Atheism really does exist in Pakistan. In fact, Hazrat Nakhuda is the founder of the ‘Pakistani Atheists and Agnostics‘ Facebook group. So given the hostility there to non-belief, or for that matter simply the wrong belief, I can only salute those that dare to be open about this and join. … Read more

What happened to the boy who pointed out that the emperor had no clothes?

You all know the tale (I hope), it is by Hans Christian Andersen. Two weavers who promise an Emperor a new suit of clothes that is invisible to those unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent. When the Emperor parades before his subjects in his new clothes, a small boy cries out, “But he isn’t wearing anything at all!”. … Read more

The Origin of the Universe … another “Allah did it” claim.

It appears to be a rather common and very persistent religious belief. Today’s example comes from a young chap called Razeem Naushad, who has popped up and with a bit of a swagger, is attempting to make an “Allah” claim as follows … Haha…when I hv added to this group I saw a question asking me … Read more

A response to an obnoxious “Open Letter to Atheists from a Megachurch Pastor”

Wallace Henley, pastor in the 60,000 member Second Baptist Church of Houston, has written an open letter at all Atheists as a supposed bit of guidance on how to respond to the daft suggestion of another Megachurch pastor John Hagee, that all Atheists should get on a plane and leave the US. So what have we got … Read more