Claim: “theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss does not believe in evolution” .. evidence provided

OK, that all falls into the “Kook of the week” award category, and to be totally clear, I do not of course mean Lawrence Krauss, but rather the chap making the claim. It all started with my opening post within a Humanist Muslim Facebook group that consisted of the following quote … “The least questioned … Read more

Strange Religious Guidance: “Keep a closed mind”

Daniel K. Norris, a self-appointed evangelist, has written a response within Charisma News to the announcement by Justin Vollmar, the pastor of the virtual deaf church, that he was now an atheist (I was writing about that coming out yesterday) So why am I writing about this rebuttal? Well, it is everything I usually expect to … Read more

More Student Union censorshit (no that’s not a typo)

Oh boy, here we go again, and as beautifully summed up by Jonathan Jones in the Guardian … Student union officials took down the advert for the Atheist Society at London South Bank University in what has to be one of the daftest and most anti-intellectual acts of censorship since the Catholic church told Galileo to point … Read more

Einstein & God – What did he really think?

It is rather common for many beliefs to lay claim to Einstein, and other rather famous people, as an individual who plays on their team, and thus bestow their specific belief with some additional credibility. In fact, so important is this idea when it comes to mega-famous-smart individuals such Einstein, that the feeding frenzy has … Read more