The Quote Mining of Sam Harris

If you have ever debated a Creationist then the concept of Quote Mining will be familiar. This is where a specific quote is lifted out of its original context and then presented in isolation in order to verify the quote miner’s view. For example, Darwin wrote the following in the Origin of the species … To suppose … Read more

Claim: Stephen Hawking has three arguments against God

Over at the Christian Post is a blog entry that claims that Stephen Hawking has exactly three arguments against god. This all comes to me as a bit of a surprise because I’m not actually aware of him making any “no-god” assertions at all, but that instead he has simply confirmed that he himself does not believe … Read more

Antonin Scalia Claims that Constitution Permits Court To ‘Favor Religion Over Non-Religion’

The claim that Religion should trump Non-Religion is a claim that the religious will often make, however what makes this specific instance an item of concern is not just what was being said, but rather who said it. Antonin Scalia is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States who was appointed Ronald Reagan in 1986. He is also … Read more

Bill Maher doing Stand-Up About Religion

Now here is a nice little collection of Bill Maher doing Stand-Up About Religion … Like bees to the scent of nectar, the clip has attracted the usual collection of believers within the comments frantically trying to make a coherent rebuttal … and totally failing to do so. Number of comments – 7,230 Number of thumbs down for … Read more

Congressman Barney Frank’s deep dark secret that was buried for years – #OpenlySecular

Congressman Barney Frank had a deep dark secret that he kept hidden for rather a long time, if it had been revealed then his career might have been destroyed. If you are perhaps wondering who? well he is is an American politician, and member of the Democratic party,  who served as a member of the U.S. House of … Read more