It’s the season of the Atheist Billboards argument once again

I’m starting out with a recent rant by Pat Robertson, but stick with me here, because this posting is not really about his absurd monolog, that is just a platform to get into the real debate about these billboards. Pat Robertson is indeed the gift that just keeps on giving, and so as I’m sure you … Read more

Claim: “atheism is a nonintellectual exercise in self-deception”

I have perhaps been guilty in times past of living inside a religious bubble, and so having now stepped outside, it is always worth pondering the thought that I have just exchanged one bubble for another, hence I often expose myself (intellectually) to things that are clearly not ideas I agree with. Today’s example comes from … Read more

Morality without a God

The rather common religious claim is that without the absolute values sourced from a god your morality is relative and can be whatever you want it to be. This apparently will then leave you free to do whatever you like if you decide that it is OK. The counter argument is the rather obvious observation … Read more

Are we really better off believing in religious Myths?

An objection to reality that many of those that believe in gods will promote is the idea that people are better off if they embrace such myths. As an example we have a recent letter-to-the-editor type of format for this claim here in the Indiana Gazette … Science hasn’t proven the existence of God, but … Read more