Claim: Atheism is a faith

The right-wing intellectual David Horowitz, previously a left-wing intellectual who changed his mind in the mid 80s, makes a rather strange religious claim … Atheists are closed to faith. Or to put it more accurately, atheists are devotees of a faith that God does not exist. The atheist faith fosters contempt for religious belief and denies … Read more

The Quran Challenge

If you engage in a debate with a Muslim, one challenge that just might pop up is the claim that the Qu’ran is a miracle and that nobody can ever produce anything like it. This comes from a couple of verses within the Qu’ran itself … And if ye are in doubt concerning that which … Read more

Christian Claim: “atheism in the US has remained flat for over seven decades”

As might be expected, in response to the latest Pew research report that highlights a huge growth of nones and the decline of belief in the US, many believers are popping up to claim that the numbers are all wrong. An example is Jerry Newcombe popping up on the Christian Post with the claim that atheism … Read more

How do Atheists work out what is right and wrong if they reject the bible?

The objective moral claim is a very popular rebuttal that the deeply religious often put forward, and time after time it will, like a game a wack-a-mole, pop its head up. So today’s example is a letter written by a Mr Ron Thomas and published in The Gazette / Times-Courier, a paper that has a focus … Read more