Problems with the famous Epicurus quote

Now here is a nice poster that has been circulating. Many of those who dare to embrace doubt see it, click “Like”, and then share it in turn with others, and so it, or some variation of it, continue to circulate. There are however a couple of things that bother me here. Now please do … Read more

Atheism explodes in Saudi Arabia, despite state-enforced ban

A recent article in Salon reports on the rising tide of disbelief in Saudi Arabia … In this country known as the cradle of Islam, where religion gives legitimacy to the government and state-appointed clerics set rules for social behavior, a growing number of Saudis are privately declaring themselves atheists. The evidence is anecdotal, but … Read more

Book Alert: Faith Versus Fact: Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible

There are plenty of what can perhaps be best described as “me-to” books that simply replay the same arguments, and that applies to both the religious and non-religious sides of the full conversation. Now please don’t misunderstand me here, there are many great books out there, and even if they do not develop the conversation a bit further, … Read more

Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

Sometimes he really does nail it. What faced with the absurd rhetoric that “Christianity is Under Attack by Liberals”, Bill proceeds to not simply slice and dice this nonsense, he complete and utterly nukes it with the facts … There are of course many out there who believe the absurd rhetoric, and so what needs … Read more

Duck Dynasty star quacks out more nonsense

Si Robertson, one of the stars of the US Duck Dynasty show has rock solid proof that atheists do not actually exist at all. The context within which this claim emerges is that there is a new movie being promoted, “Faith of Our fathers”, and while being interviewed (see clip below) at 02:45 he proceeds to explain … Read more