God and Disaster

A C Grayling has written a few thoughts that are well worth pondering over, here is an extract.

One thinks with sorrow of the hundreds of thousands whose lives have been horrendously lost or affected by the great Japanese earthquake and tsunami, which will put a black mark against this year 2011 in the annals, coming so soon after the earthquake that hit Christchurch in New Zealand. The events are almost certainly linked tectonically, reminding us of the vast forces of nature that are normal for the planet itself but inimical to human life, especially when lived dangerously close to the jigsaw cracks of the earth’s surface.

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Is freedom a religious or secular idea?

Paula Kirby has written a fabulous and thought provoking article in Today’s Washington Post. Paula, like myself, is a former Christian, so she can view this from all sides. Here is how it starts …

Is freedom a religious idea? As John McEnroe would have said, “You cannot be serious.”

If you value freedom, you should flee from religion as the antelope flees the lion. Religion is the very antithesis of freedom, insisting on our complete subjugation to the unachievable demands of an invisible but supremely powerful overlord. Think of Islam, whose very name means ‘submission’! Think of Christianity, which claims it is disobedience that brought original sin into the world, with all that entails in terms of suffering and injustice and even earthquakes and tsunamis. Imagine! To claim that human obedience is so imperative that the purposes of an omnipotent deity and the very fabric of the planet, if not the whole universe, depend upon it and can be catastrophically disrupted at the first whiff of rebellion – and then to claim that such a religion is the source of human freedom!

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Is the tragedy being politicized?

Sarah Palin is currently playing the victim at the moment and claims that depraved liberals are blaming her for mass murder. As I’m sure you know, she had the poster with the names of leading Democrat politicians who supported health care reform, including tragically, Gabrielle Giffords, with a sniper target over them. If that was … Read more

Religious Tax-Free Scams

As I’m sure you know, there are Christian ministries whose television preaching does nothing but bankroll the lavish lifestyles of these ministers of  “truth”. However, what you might not be aware of is that the investigation into the worst examples of this will do absolutely nothing about it, and is quite happy for them to … Read more

Request for legal protection of “Classical Electrodynamics”, a truly sacred book.

This is hilarious and is satire at its very best.  It first came out today and has been rapidly spreading through the Skeptical Echo Chamber  … PZ blogged it here …  Richard Dawkins has also Blogged it here (I think RD might be patient zero for this) … I also suspect many others will soon … Read more

Christian Couple sent to Jail … because of their faith

There is news that a Christian couple have been given a ten year jail sentence. Yikes, sent to jail for being a Christian, sounds horrendous … what backward nation of barbarians have inflicted this dire punishment, who was it that persecuted these poor souls … Iran, Iraq? … Nope, it was the state of Pennsylvania … Read more