Sally Morgan, the supposed psychic who never saw what was about to happen

As you might or perhaps might not be aware, the UK’s most famous supposed psychic, Sally Morgan, has been having rather a lot of dire publicity recently, so that is perhaps something to celebrate. It all started last April when skeptic Mark Tilbrook was outside one of her shows handing out leaflets that gave those attending a … Read more

Flordia Psychic found guilty of fraud and sent to jail

First the basics – there are no psychic powers Before we start, let’s clarify one very important point … Nobody has “Psychic” powers, they do not exist and have never been successfully demonstrated under controlled conditions. Or to put that another way … they are all frauds … no exceptions. Ah but it is not … Read more

Daft Claim: vi-aqua is a Device that makes water wetter and increases the output of vegetables and fruits by up to 30 per cent

The Irish Independent ran a story a couple of days ago that makes some rather outrageous claims … A GROUNDBREAKING new Irish technology which could be the greatest breakthrough in agriculture since the plough is set to change the face of modern farming forever. It is talking about a product called Vi-Aqua that has been … Read more

Amanda Berry is alive and well … and proves Sylvia Browne to be a fraud

The news is fabulous, Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michele Knight who vanished 10 years ago were assumed to dead have been found alive and well … but you now know this, it would be hard not to, it has been quite rightly plastered all over every news cast. What can I add that has … Read more

Lying for Allah – Islamic Fraud

As part of a claim regarding the authorship of the Quran by a supernatural entity, I was presented with “proof”. This consisted of a series of clips by some western scientists that supposedly examined the quran and declared it to be divine, here are a couple of examples … Prof. William W. Hey“I would think … Read more