State Funds to be used to Keep Noah’s ark afloat

You might, or perhaps might not be aware, that there exists a Museum in Kentucky that vigorously promotes the rather daft idea that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. Back in the 17th Century James Ussher, the Archbishop of Armagh in Ireland, sat down and calculated the age of the earth by using the genealogies contained … Read more

I agree with Pat Robertson … (A story about creationism)

Pat Robertson is perhaps seen by many as an incarnation of complete and utter lunacy and so you are more or less granted an iron-clad guarantee that anything and everything he ever says will be either weird, bizarre or utterly absurd. But hey … that thought turns out to be wrong, because he has in fact said … Read more

How do believers cope with evidence that conflicts with the belief?

A rather obvious example of evidence that conflicts with a belief is perhaps the availability of fossil evidence that reveals to us how early humans emerged and evolved. So how do those that truly believe that a god made us exactly as we are, cope with the rather obvious evidence that clearly demonstrates that the belief … Read more

Answers in Genesis demands that they should be on “Cosmos” for “balance”

I’m sure you are familiar with “Cosmos”, but just in case you don’t know, it’s a fantastic TV show that covers over the weeks a wide range of scientific subjects, including the origin of life and a perspective of our place in the universe. The original series was done back in the 1980’s by Carl Sagan, and now … Read more